
The Pacific Northwest’s Complete Hardwood Resource

Emerson Hardwood Group is a leading name in the distribution of fine quality, domestic and imported hardwood and softwood lumber. Celebrating well over a century of excellence, our customers rely on us for superior products, and our dedication to quality and service sets us apart.

Our company consists of 4 divisions, operating from 7 locations in Oregon and Washington. Emerson Hardwood is the Pacific Northwest’s complete hardwood resource, supplying domestic and imported hardwood lumber, plywood, veneers, flooring, decking, mouldings and other related forest products.

Lumber & Plywood

Emerson Hardwood Company stocks a comprehensive selection of domestic and imported hardwood and softwood lumber and plywood, and other specialty products.

Hardwood Flooring

We are the wholesale supplier to the trade of hardwood flooring, supplies and tools to the best contractors and retailers. Our designer showrooms are open to the public for product selection.

Crosscut Hardwoods

Crosscut Hardwoods, also known as “the woodworker’s candy store” is Emerson’s specialty hardwood store with locations in Portland, Seattle and Eugene.

Molding & Millwork

Emerson's own Molding and Millwork department, EM2 mills their own baseboards, crown moldings, chair rail and more.  Custom Moldings also available.


Distinctive Hardwoods Since 1907

Our roots are based in the historical beginnings of the Pacific Coast hardwood industry. In 1907, Emerson Hardwood Company was established with a band mill and veneer saw in Portland, Oregon, manufacturing oak lumber and flooring imported from Japan. Improvement to rail transportation made lumber from the eastern U.S. sawmills more affordable and Emerson Hardwood began using domestic lumber for its hardwood flooring production. Over the years the supply markets changed and Emerson Hardwood became a wholesale distributor of lumber, flooring and plywood.


A fourth generation family owned business celebrating its past with a focus on the future…

At Emerson Hardwood we are committed to bringing value, quality, and innovation to our markets. The future of Emerson Hardwood involves the company’s latest investment in state-of-the-art millwork and moulding manufacturing facility featuring some of the most advanced woodworking equipment currently available.

Emerson Hardwood Group is committed to the social, economic and environmental sustainability of hardwood forests domestic and abroad. We only source from sawmills that use sound forestry practices.


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